Concrete wash water regulations

Why is the control of concrete wash water important? We found this very educational article which explains not only how bad management can harm the environment, but also damage the reputation of your company.

Where appropriate, BlueRinse equipment is CE marked and backed up by thorough risk assessment and associated Declaration of Conformity to offer complete peace of mind. This includes, lift testing, compliance with electrical standards and assessment of risks that may be encountered in day to day use. A requirement of the Provision and use of Work Equipment Regulations (PUWER) the whole assembly is CE marked as an assembly, not just relying the CE mark on the individual components.

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Source: Watery News

Are You Conforming?

Dealing with concrete wash water correctly should be an important part of any site plan. And equally important is that the equipment you are using is properly tested.

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Understanding pH

pH is a measure of how acidic a solution is. For dilute solutions the pH scale ranges from pH 0 to pH 14, pH seven is in the middle and is therefore the neutral point; pH’s less than 7 are acidic and pH’s greater than 7 are alkaline.

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Danger of High pH Wash Water

The chemical reaction which causes fresh concrete to slowly stiffen and harden is quite complicated. A by-product of this process is the creation of a highly alkaline chemical that has a natural pH in excess of 12. Drinking water, by comparison, has a pH of around 6.5 to 7.

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